Haltman discusses the candlestick phone and the impact it had on the privacy of the home, yet he also states that this phone though it was an intruder had a calming effect on the individual who used it because of its design. Is this true? If this design was a calming effect, why was it discontinued as the French Phone model became more prevalent after its introduction in the late 1920s?
Baudrillard discusses in his article the simulacrum, which he says is manifested in Disneyland and Watergate. He states that Disneyland is down to the characters a simulated America, its purpose is to hide the real America. He goes on to talk about the rest of LA and the reality that is lost. This got me to thinking about Hollywood and the celebrities, is this a cause of the lost reality or an outcome of the lost reality?
He then talks about Watergate which is the political version of Disneyland, that it hides the reality of the situation. Did this start with Watergate or did it just come to light with this political scandal?
Poster discusses the virtual reality of the internet and the identity that people structure and project. When thinking about the identities that we create, I think of MySpace and Facebook. We all edit the pictures we post and write our updates in ways that we want to project ourselves to our peers. Does this editing of ourselves on our pages edit us the same way in real life? What about internet dating? One can easily structure your profile to attract a person, but is that who you are in reality or is just an invention? Since Poster is writing before the explosion of MySpace, Facebook and Internet Dating, what would he say about the narratives we post daily on these pages?
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