a blog to trace the pathway of students in his/iar552 at the university of north carolina at greensboro

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recap of 2/11

Dallas W. Smythe " On the Audience Commodity and its Work" : 1981

Pierre Bourdieu " (i) Introduction (ii) The Aristocracy of Culture": 1984

Nicholas Garnham " Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication" : 1986

Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky " A Propaganda Model" : 1988

Leslie Shannon Miller " The Many Figures of Eve: Styles of Womanhood Embodied in a Late-Nineteenth-Century Corset" : 1990

Herbert I. Shiller " Not Yet the Post-Imperialist Era" : 1991

Steven Lubar "Machine Politics: The Political Construction of Technological Artifacts" : 1993

Robert W. Bagley " Replication TEchniques in Eastern Zhou Bronze Casting" : 1993

Jeffrey Collins "In Vino Vanitas? Death and the Cellarette in Empire New York" : 1996

Pierre Bourdieu " On Television" : 1998

Robyn Asleson " Seduced by an Old Flame: Paradox and Illusion in a Late-Twentieth-Century Lucite Lighter" :1999

Eileen Meehan " Gendering the Commodity Audience: Critical Media Research, Feminism, and Political Economy" :2002

Smythe: Any type of program that is put on any form of media will influence the audience in some way.

Bourdieu (1): Class dictates what the habits of your culture are. Class - Culture/ Culture- Class.

Garnham: Connect the media and culture by understanding the economics behind it.

Herman/Chomsky: The five filters dictate what and how the audience experiences media.

Miller: Society deemed the corset necessary for women as a symbol of their femininity and cultural status in the late 1800s, yet this symbol is lost on todays cultural ideals.

Shiller: Globalization of the market leads to hegemony instead of diversity.

Lubar: Machines/Technology -Culture/ Culture - Machines/Technology.

Bagley: Differences in values, labor, techniques based upon economic and cultural influences.

Collins: Cellarette in the 1800s was a symbol for high class and society members to reinforce their cultural ideals, these ideals are lost on todays society.

Bourdieu (2): Journalists - Masses Demands/ Demands of the Masses - Journalists.

Asleson: The lighter as a mediate image to remind the user of subconscious American cultural ideals, such as tobacco and Hollywood.

Meehan: Media as an an advertising outlet focuses on the young, white males as the primary audience which introduces an unspoken bias.

Our group then discussed the exhibit that we would create which was centered around the corset. We chose stays, the corset, chemise, 1950s pointed bra, a bra burning photo, madonna in her cone phase, wonderbra, spanx, victoria secret corset, and lady gaga in her metal corset type outfit. We also chose to use a couple of film clips such as Gone With the Wind when Scarlet is getting laced into her corset before the Twelve Oaks BBQ and then again after she has had Bonnie and is concerned that her waist is 20 inches rather then the 18 1/2 it was. Also the clip from Pirates of the Caribbean when Gov. Swann gives Elizabeth a corset and says it is the latest fashion in London. We chose to use a circular exhibit to show that even though the corset came out of fashion, it still shows up in todays culture.

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