a blog to trace the pathway of students in his/iar552 at the university of north carolina at greensboro

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Similar to what has already been stated, there are similarities between Pleasantville and Everything is Illuminated. One of the things that I noticed is that objects have important symbolic meaning. Similar to McLuhan, ‘that the medium is the message.’ The medium in this case can be the objects themselves (or if one wishes to migrate more into grey, the film itself.) Just as in Pleasantville the T.V is the medium for the 1950’s and everything that it stood for, so are the objects in Everything is Illuminated. They have different meanings for each of the characters. They represent Grandfathers and Lista’s past, Jonathan’s desire to find himself and Alex’s future. They exist because of the object. I think also to what Emanuel stated, that Alex has the imaginary version of America, much as David had the imaginary version of 1950’s America. That both Alex and David rely on perceptions to create on their identity, which eventually shatters. Of course when illumination is received by each of the characters, a faded out sun or light appears behind them, signifying illumination has been found. It is also interesting to note, that illumination is not found in the harsh and eroded sections of Ukraine, but in the countryside. However it would be dismissive to say that the countryside is innocent, as witnessed by the flashbacks.

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