a blog to trace the pathway of students in his/iar552 at the university of north carolina at greensboro

Friday, April 9, 2010


Continuing with Serena's comment about the Encoding/Decoding reading I found it was interesting the references the movie made to Mac and PC. Viewing the relationship between Wall-E and Eva was amusing to me because in Interior Architecture I use both windows and mac features differently. I noticed different features of each company's products in Eva and Wall-E (good and bad).

Also I thought this movie put a different spin on analyzing material objects mainly because these objects had personalities. The other objects we have seen in the previous movies and books have not been animated, but now we are introduced to one that has its own movement and personality. These things add to how we can understand the object and figure out the relationship it has with the environment around it.

My last thought about Wall-E is in relation to Everything is Illuminated. In both movies there were characters collecting objects, however they were for different reasons. In Everything Is Illuminated they were collected to remember specific events, but in Wall-E they were collected because the objects themselves were interesting. It reminded me of how I thought about random objects before I took this class. Some objects appealed to me because they looked cool or moved in a unique way, but now I have noticed that every object has a meaning and a purpose, and regardless if I cherish that meaning, I should respect it.

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