a blog to trace the pathway of students in his/iar552 at the university of north carolina at greensboro

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wall E and Everything Illuminated

Wall E:

The main thing about this movie that I noticed was the lack of diversity within the people. I guess this is a way of displaying the American attitude in terms of globalization. I also agree with what Melanie said in class about how the entire first part of the movie is related to the viewer through sound. I think that is relating the spectacle of the trash covered earth in a way that makes the viewer think about and translate in their own way, rather then a character telling you in dialog. To me, while the movie is entertaining for children, there are also messages for adults. The Buy n' Large reminds me of all the super centers that we have now, where everything is in one place, you can buy everything in bulk. Where as these stores are great for convenience, are they so great for the environment? I think Disney is trying to get on the Green Movement with this movie, and trying to get us to let go of all those material things we thought we needed. This thought led me to when we discussed in class why we need things and collectors.

This also is a connection between Wall E and Everything Illuminated. The collectors in both movies are concerned not with the monetary value of the item collected, but with the memory. This reminded me of Soutter's article on the tortoiseshell locket that was a family heirloom. The value was not in how much it was worth, but the memories that it reminded her family of and the resource it provided Soutter to discover more about the time in which the item was created. Everything Illuminated, the items that are collected have a primary memory attached to them, but the research that has to be done to find the true meaning of the item leads to the discovery of family roots that may have been lost had Jonathan not gone on the trip to find who Augustine was. Augustine, in turn, knew that she needed to leave behind a 'In Case' box, to enable those who may search for answers to find them.

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